Can i use mulching blades with side discharge

When it comes to lawn care and mowing, there are various techniques and tools to consider. One common debate revolves around the use of mulching blades with side discharge. Can you actually use mulching blades when you have a side discharge mower? Let’s dive into this topic and explore the possibilities.

Simple table outlining whether you can use mulching blades with side discharge

| Can I Use Mulching Blades with Side Discharge? |


| Yes, you can use mulching blades with side discharge. It offers versatility for your lawn care needs. |

Understanding Mulching Blades and Side Discharge Mowers

What are Mulching Blades?

Mulching blades are designed to finely cut grass clippings and redistribute them back into the lawn, promoting a healthier, greener turf. These blades work by creating a vacuum effect, lifting the grass for a clean, even cut.

Side Discharge Mowers

Side discharge mowers, on the other hand, expel grass clippings to the side, leaving a trail of cut grass as you mow. This is a straightforward method and works well for quickly covering large areas.

The Compatibility Question

Can You Use Mulching Blades with a Side Discharge Mower?

The short answer is, yes, you can use mulching blades on a side discharge mower. However, there are some important considerations to keep in mind.

Advantages of Using Mulching Blades with Side Discharge

Advantages of Using Mulching Blades with Side Discharge

Improved Lawn Health

Natural Mulch: Using mulching blades can help with grass recycling. The finely chopped clippings act as natural mulch, providing nutrients to your lawn.

Even Distribution

Combining mulching blades with side discharge can give your lawn a neater appearance by distributing clippings more evenly.

Less Bagging

You won’t need to collect grass clippings, saving you time and effort.

Potential Drawbacks

Clumping Issues 

Using mulching blades with side discharge may result in clumping, especially when mowing long or wet grass.

Reduced Discharge Efficiency

The side discharge may not work as effectively with mulching blades since they are designed for a different purpose.

Tips for Using Mulching Blades with Side Discharge

Regular Maintenance

Sharp Blades 

Keep your mower blades sharp and well-maintained to ensure a clean cut and effective mulching.

Deck Height: 

Set your mower deck at the right height to avoid cutting off more than one-third of the grass length at a time.

Dry Grass Preferred

Using mulching blades with side discharge is more effective with dry grass. Avoid mowing when the grass is wet.

The Verdict

While you can use mulching blades with a side discharge mower, it’s essential to consider your specific lawn conditions and the trade-offs involved. In some cases, it can be a convenient option, offering the benefits of both mulching and side discharge mowing. However, for optimal results, you may want to choose a dedicated mulching mower or switch between blades based on your mowing needs. Ultimately, the decision comes down to your personal preferences and the condition of your lawn.

Pros and Cons of Using Mulching Blades with Side Discharge Mowers


Fertilizes Your Lawn: Mulching blades return finely chopped clippings to your lawn, providing it with natural nutrients.

Saves Time 

Eliminates the need for bagging, saving you time and effort.

Improved Lawn Appearance 

Even distribution of clippings results in a neater lawn.

Environmentally Friendly: Reduces waste by recycling grass clippings.



Clippings can sometimes clump together, especially with wet or tall grass.

Reduced Side Discharge Efficiency

Mulching blades may not work as efficiently with the side discharge function.

Requires Dry Grass

Works best with dry grass, making it less effective during or after rain.

Regular Blade Maintenance 

Mulching blades need to be kept sharp for optimal performance.

Tips for Using Mulching Blades with Side Discharge

Regular Maintenance


Ensure your mower blades are kept sharp. Dull blades can tear the grass instead of cutting it cleanly.

Deck Height 

Adjust the mower deck to an appropriate height. Cutting more than one-third of the grass blade’s length at a time can lead to clumping.

Frequent Cleaning

Regularly clean the underside of your mower deck to prevent buildup of clippings that can impede mulching.

Ideal Conditions

 ry Grass

Mulching works best with dry grass. If possible, mow when the grass is not wet from rain or dew.

Moderate Grass Length

Avoid mowing overgrown grass. Ideally, mow when the grass is within the recommended height range.

Mowing Technique

Mow Slowly

When using mulching blades with a side discharge mower, slower mowing can help improve mulching efficiency.

Overlap Passes

Slightly overlap each mowing pass to ensure clippings are finely mulched and evenly dispersed.

The Verdict: Making the Right Choice

After considering the pros and cons and understanding the nuances of using mulching blades with side discharge mowers, the decision ultimately comes down to your specific lawn, your preferences, and your priorities. Here’s a quick recap of the key points to help you make an informed choice:

When to Use Mulching Blades with Side Discharge

Your lawn is relatively dry

 Mulching is most effective on dry grass.

You want to promote lawn health

Mulching can return nutrients to your lawn, improving its overall health.

Time savings are a priority

Mulching eliminates the need for bagging clippings, saving you time during mowing.

Do you prefer an eco-friendly approach

Mulching reduces waste and is environmentally friendly.

When to Consider Other Options

Clumping is a recurring issue 

If you frequently experience clumping, it might be worth considering alternative mowing techniques or equipment.

Side discharge efficiency is crucial 

If you rely heavily on the side discharge function for specific needs, mulching blades may not be the best choice.

Your lawn is often wet

Wet grass can impede the performance of mulching blades.

Do you prefer a dedicated approach?

For the best results, consider a dedicated mulching mower or switch between blades based on your mowing needs.


What’s the benefit of using mulching blades with side discharge?

Using mulching blades with side discharge allows you to switch between mulching and side-discharging modes. This flexibility is advantageous because you can mulch when it’s beneficial for your lawn and side discharge when grass is too tall or damp.

Do I need a special mower for this setup?

No, you can use mulching blades with a side discharge on most standard lawnmowers. However, it’s essential to ensure that your mower is compatible and that the blades fit correctly.

How do I switch between mulching and side discharge?

Switching between these modes is usually as simple as swapping out the blades. When you want to mulch, attach mulching blades, and when you prefer side discharge, use regular blades. Ensure you follow your mower’s manual for proper installation.

Are there any downsides to using mulching blades with side discharge?

While this setup offers versatility, mulching blades may not side-discharge as efficiently as regular blades. Also, in heavy or wet grass conditions, you might experience clumping with mulching blades in side-discharge mode. It’s a trade-off between mulching benefits and side discharge convenience.


Using mulching blades with side discharge mowers is indeed possible and can offer various benefits, including improved lawn health, time savings, and a neater lawn appearance. However, it’s essential to be mindful of potential drawbacks, such as clumping and reduced side discharge efficiency, which may vary depending on your specific lawn conditions.

To make the right choice, consider the unique characteristics of your lawn and your priorities. While mulching blades with side discharge can be a convenient option for many, it’s worth exploring other alternatives if you encounter persistent issues or if specific functions of your side discharge mower are essential to

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